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The Gift New Testament

Truth Over Tradition

Paul’s trial before Felix

1 Five days later, Ananias the high priest came down with some elders and an orator by the name of Tertullus, and they presented to the governor their case against Paul. 2 When he was called in, Tertullus began his prosecution: “We have come into a long time of peace through you, and your foresight has brought many reforms to this nation. 3 In every way and everywhere, most honorable Felix, we accept this with all gratitude.

4 “But in the interest of not taking too much of your time, I ask that you would be so kind as to listen to us briefly. 5 We have found this man to be a pest and troublemaker among Judeans all over the world, as well as a ringleader in the Nazarene sect. 6 He even tried to desecrate the temple compound as well, so we detained him. 7 8 Upon examining him yourself, you will be able to verify every charge we are bringing against him.” 9 The Judeans agreed, alleging that these things were true.

10 Then the governor nodded to Paul to speak, and he said, “Since I know you have been judging this nation for many years, I confidently make my defense. 11 You can easily see that no more than twelve days have passed since I went up to worship in Jerusalem. 12 But no one found me arguing with anyone or forming a mob in the temple compound, in the synagogues, or in the city. 13 They can present no evidence to support their accusations.

14 “Yet I will admit this to you: that according to this Way, which they call a sect, I do offer divine service to the God of our ancestors and believe everything written in the Law and the Prophets. 15 My hope in God, the same as theirs, is in the coming resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. 16 It is in this hope that I continually press on with a clear conscience before God and people.

17 “When some years had passed, I came to do charitable things for my nation and bring offerings. 18 That’s when they found me in the temple compound— purified, not with a mob or a riot! 19 And there are some Judeans from the province of Asia who ought to be here to accuse me in your presence if they have any case against me. 20 Otherwise, let these people themselves state what crime they discovered when I stood in front of the Sanhedrin, 21 beyond this one thing I shouted while I stood among them: ‘It is about the resurrection of the dead for which you are judging me today’ .”

22 Then Felix called to adjourn the court. He was well-informed of the details about the Way, and he added, “When Lysias the legion commander arrives, I will decide your case.” 23 He ordered the Roman army captain to put Paul under guard, but to allow him some comfort, including having his friends attend to his needs.

24 A few days later Felix arrived, along with his wife Drusilla, who was a Judean. He sent for Paul and listened to him speak about putting trust in Christ Jesus. 25 But as he gave arguments about righteousness, self-control, and the coming judgment, Felix became alarmed and said, “You may go now, and if I have time I will call for you.” 26 (He was hoping that Paul would bribe him, which is why he kept sending for him frequently and talking with him.) 27 Now when two full years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. But because he wanted to curry favor with the Judeans, he left Paul in custody.