1 So since Christ suffered physically, you too must arm yourselves with the same attitude, because the one who has suffered physically has defeated sin. 2 That one will by no means still live in human desires but spend the rest of their life doing the will of God.
3 Enough time has passed to have determined the intention of the other nations, who have persisted in vice, lust, excessive drinking, wild parties, drinking contests, and illicit religious practices. 4 They think it strange that you do not race with them into the same reckless gusher, so they slander you. 5 But they will be required to give an account to the One who is poised to judge the living and the dead. 6 So the good news was also brought to the dead so they could be judged. Indeed, according to people they should live for the flesh, but according to God they should live for the spirit.
7 Yet the end is near! So be wise and mature in your prayers for all, 8 having sincere love within you, since love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Be hospitable among yourselves, without complaining. 10 Dispense your gifts among yourselves as each of you has received them, as exemplary administrators of the multifaceted favor of God. 11 If you speak, may it be as the voice of God; if you dispense service, do so from the power God supplies, so that in everything God may be exalted through Jesus Christ— to whom belongs honor and mighty rule for ages and ages, absolutely!
12 Loved ones, do not think it strange, this fire raging among you; do not think that this trial which descended upon you is something unexpected. 13 Instead, be happy that what you are doing is participating in the sufferings of Christ, and also that you may celebrate in revealing his favor. 14 If you are being reprimanded in the name of Christ, be happy that the spirit and honor of God has come to rest on you. 15 Now, let none of you be suffering because you are a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or a meddler! 16 But if it’s because of being a Christian, then of course you should not be ashamed. Instead, let them honor the name of God. 16 17 This is the time for the judgment to begin from the house of God. And if it starts from us, then what will be the end of those who are hostile toward the good news of God? 18 And if the righteous one is barely saved, what will happen to the unrighteous and the sinner? 19 Because of that, let those who suffer according to God’s will commit their souls to the faithful Creator.
- 16 See the note on Acts 11:26.