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The Gift New Testament

Truth Over Tradition

1 So then, put off all malice, treachery, pretense, envy, and trash talk. 2 As newborns, crave the rational, pure milk through which you may grow into salvation— 3 if you have sampled the Master’s kindness.

Jesus the Cornerstone

4 Come toward the Living Stone, which people have rejected but God has chosen to hold up as a trophy. 5 Likewise, as living stones you are being constructed into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are pleasing to God through Jesus Christ. 6 It is for this reason we read in the scriptures, “Attention! In Zion I am laying a select cornerstone, and whoever believes will in no way be shamed by it.” 7 So the honor is to you who believe, but to the unbelievers it is “a stone rejected by the builders that became the cornerstone,” 8 and a stumbling stone, a rocky trap set for those who oppose the Word. 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, an acquired people, so you should proclaim the brave virtues of the one who calls you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were no-name people but now you are people of God; once you were not pitied but now you are.

Godly living in a godless world

11 Loved ones, I implore you as aliens and exiles to abstain from carnal lusts that make war against the soul. 12 Exhibit good behavior among the other nations, so that when they speak against you as evildoers they will honor God when he visits us, because they saw your good deeds. 13 Be supportive of every human institution by means of the Master, whether to the king as superior, 14 or to governors sent by him to bring righteousness against evildoers but honor those who do good. 15 Thus it is God’s will that the ones doing good should silence the ignorance of clueless people. 16 Do not use your freedom as a front for evil. Instead, as slaves of God, 17 value everyone; love the believers; fear God; respect civic authority.

Suffering unjustly

18 Servants, support your employers in fear, and not only the nice ones but also the crooked ones. 19 You will be honored if you endure unjust suffering because you stand by your convictions about God. 20 After all, what credit is it if you suffer punishment because you sinned? But if you do good and have to endure suffering, that earns you the favor of God. 21 For you were called into this, seeing that Christ also suffered for your sakes, leaving an example for you to follow in his footsteps. 22 He did not sin, nor was any treachery found in him. 23 Though he was mocked he did not mock in return; though he suffered, he did not threaten, leaving it to the one who judges rightly. 24 He carried our sins in his body upon the wood, so that we should live away from those and toward righteousness, and so that we may be healed by his wound. 25 For you were like straying sheep but now you have turned back toward the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.